August 2019
We have everything we need to take down the walls that hold us back from everything God has for us.
A Fresh Start
Victory in this life means dependence on the Lord’s forgiveness, healing, pleasure, and freedom … not ours.
July 2019
Twelve Smooth Stones
God is moving us from our places of comfort to places of greater blessing so that His power and glory might take center stage, not us.
Moving Out
We can move out through every challenge in life, because God has promised His presence and provision for the journey.
The Gospel According to Rahab
A strong and courageous follower of Jesus acknowledges their sin, accepts the lead of Christ, and enjoys the mercy of God.
June 2019
Risking, Reaching & Resting
Being a strong and courageous Christian requires us to step out, move forward and trust in God’s provision.
Strong & Courageous
We can be strong and courageous despite our fears, because our great Lord and Savior has gone before us and has already given us everything we need.
Assured by the Spirit
The Lord our God wants you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have Christ in your life, resurrection during life, victory over life, and glory after life.
Hope, Joy & Peace in the Holy Spirit
God Fills You with Hope, Joy, & Peace, and more … As You Trust in Him …By the Power of the Holy Spirit
May 2019
The Days of Noah
Being ready for Jesus’ imminent return, means keeping watch so that the thief doesn’t break into your house.