August 2020
A Scandalous Confession
If we turn from ourselves, and confess that God is right, we receive his grace and live our best life.
A Scandalous Promise
It’s a scandal to take back broken, unfaithful, shameful people, and then heal, restore and give them abundant life; but that’s exactly what God is doing for those who say ‘yes’ to him.
A Scandalous Nation
God knows what is going on in the nations of the world and is at work to bring them back to a right relationship with Himself.
July 2020
A Scandalous Request
The Lord has bought us because he earnestly desires to live with us and be intimate with us.
A Scandalous God
God ruthlessly pursues us through thick and thicker so that we will be his lovers and he can be our love.
June 2020
A Scandalous Story
“SCANDALOUS GRACE” Series Message #1 “A SCANDALOUS STORY” There is no limit to the love of God, nor how far God will go to bring you to him. Hosea 1 June 28, 2020 1. THE WORD OF THE LORD – (v.1) “The word of the Lord that came to Hosea …” – (v.1) 2. AN ADULTEROUS WIFE – (v.2-3) “Go, take for yourself an adulterous wife … because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the Lord.” – (v.2) 3. CHILDREN OF UNFAITHFULNESS – (v.4-9) “Go, take for yourself … children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the Lord.” – (v.2) A. JEZREEL – “SOON PUNISH” – (v.4-5) B. LO-RUHAMA – “NO MORE LOVE” – (v.6-7) C. LO-AMMI – “NOT MY PEOPLE” – (v.8-9) 4. CHILDREN OF THE LIVING GOD – (v.10) “In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘children of the living God.’” 5. THE CHILD OF THE LIVING GOD – (v.11) “And they will appoint one leader (who) will come up out of the land.”