September 2020

The Protection of God

While believers are still in the world, Jesus has prayed that we will overcome the world.

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The Glory of God

God’s greatest joy is in his Son Jesus Christ, providing complete authority, life, and knowledge of Himself to His people forever and ever.

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August 2020

A Scandalous Confession

If we turn from ourselves, and confess that God is right, we receive his grace and live our best life.

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A Scandalous Promise

It’s a scandal to take back broken, unfaithful, shameful people, and then heal, restore and give them abundant life; but that’s exactly what God is doing for those who say ‘yes’ to him.

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A Scandalous Nation

God knows what is going on in the nations of the world and is at work to bring them back to a right relationship with Himself.

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A Spacious Place

The Lord loves his own, protects his own and takes great delight in his own.

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July 2020

Follow Me

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God Loves You

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A Scandalous Request

The Lord has bought us because he earnestly desires to live with us and be intimate with us.

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A Scandalous God

God ruthlessly pursues us through thick and thicker so that we will be his lovers and he can be our love.

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