March 2022



 Scripture: Matthew 26: 14-16  ESV

Advanced Preparation


Scripture Matthew 26:6-16  (ESV)

The Plan

Scripture: Matthew 26: 1-5

February 2022

Well Done! (Audio Only)

Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30  ESV


Why Church


Scripture: Romans 8:28  ESV


Keeping Your Lamps Lit


Matthew 25: 1-15  (ESV)

The Days of Noah


Matthew 24:36-51  ESV

January 2022

Coming In The Clouds


Scripture: Matthew 24:29-35  (ESV)

Let The Reader Understand

Matthew 24:15-28

New Life In Christ


January 16, 2022

Message ; New Life in Christ

Ephesians 4:17-5:16

by Pastor Tom Kendall