June 2019

Hope, Joy & Peace in the Holy Spirit

God Fills You with Hope, Joy, & Peace, and more … As You Trust in Him …By the Power of the Holy Spirit

May 2019

The Days of Noah

Being ready for Jesus’ imminent return, means keeping watch so that the thief doesn’t break into your house.

Lightning From Heaven

Jesus’ return from heaven will be personal, visible, and glorious … a blessed hope for which we should constantly watch, pray, expect, and rejoice in.

The Abomination

God has you so firmly in His hand that it is not possible for His elect to be deceived.

April 2019

Watch Out

Great deception is taking place in our world, but those who stand firm to the end will be saved.

Sadness & Joy

Because of Jesus’ victory, we are confident that God will never reject us.

Lamb and King

No matter how shattered life looks or how confusing the pieces are; two things will always be true – Jesus loves you and rules for you.

March 2019

Punishment and Freedom

We can try to run from punishment, or we can follow Jesus into freedom. 

Guilt & Innocence

 Jesus lived a perfect life and died a miserable death to make the promise of God’s love come true – for you.

Prepare & Watch

 Recognizing the foolishly fragrant, wonderfully wasteful love of God at work – for you.