Bible study in the sanctuary after the 9 am worship service each Sunday for 6 weeks, starting Sunday, January 8, 2022.
Our Women’s Bible Study meets every Tuesday from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the Prayer Room, right next to our sanctuary. They meet most of the year with a break at Christmas, Easter, and then during the summer. Our women normally start with sharing of prayer requests, then enjoy watching a teaching video by a prominent Christian Bible Teacher, followed by more sharing. There is no homework, and nothing needed except a willing and receptive heart! Teaching videos often feature Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer or Dr. David Jeremiah. Each of these studies last between 6-8 weeks, and then it’s on to another video series of a different topic.
Our Men’s Bible Study meets every Tuesday from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in the Church Office year-round. Our format is a relaxed, guilt-free reading and detailed in-depth study of the text. We typically go through an entire book of the Bible verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter with questions that are written by our pastor. The questions have a three-fold purpose, to OBSERVE the text, INTERPRET the text, and then APPLY the text to our own lives. This is probably the most fun Bible Study that anyone has ever be in, as there are plenty of jokes, sharing of snacks, and free-spirited interaction. You can’t say or do anything wrong with this Bible Study!